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Design Projects 2018

The Mechanical Engineering program at the University of Science Malaysia is tailored to meet the demand of engineers in a fast changing engineering industries. One of the most important characteristic of an engineer is to be able to engage in design and development of ideas, products for the benefit of communities and the environment and to ensure a sustainable management of resources available.

The Mechanical Engineering program offers two distinct design courses for the senior undergraduate course which are the Machine Design (EMD332) and the Mechanical Engineering Integrated Design (EMD431) equivalent to a senior year capstone design course.

The Machine Design course sought students to design, build and test mechanical machines while the Mechanical Engineering Integrated Design requires student to evaluate and verify a mechanical system via simulation and based on the simulated results to offer a design improvement of the analysed mechanical system.

For both design courses, the students are required to identify the customer need, then the student research the market, developed original design concepts and create a full business plan.

Students put together displays to explain the technical ideas and business potential behind their design work. The projects are always diverse and normally include conceptual solutions, technical and experimental designs. Students are encouraged to produce and verify their design outcomes using various acceptable engineering solutions.

A list of the Machine Design projects are listed as follows

  1. Automatic dessicant dehumidifier
  2. Vending machine
  3. Foot rehab machine
  4. Peanut dehusking machine
  5. Brake dynamometer
  6. Unmanned rover
  7. Powered scooter
  8. Crude palm oil filtering machine
  9. Chilly pitting and grinding machine
  10. Stroke rehab machine
  11. Water harvesting machine


A list of the Capstone Design projects are listed as follows

  1. Smart home energy management system
  2. Human performance evaluation system
  3. Parallel hydraulic hybrid passenger vehicle system
  4. Combined heat and power generation system
  5. Power window system
  6. Heat pump, solar & thermoelectric system
  7. Stroke rehab system
  8. Human exercise system
  9. Air conditioning system
  10. Solar fuel cell system
  11. Thrombosis detection system



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