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Stress, Damage & Failure Mechanisms Research Group

Principal Researchers

Assoc Prof. Dr. Abdullah Aziz Saad

My research interests are centered within computational and experimental studies related to electronic packaging and crystalline materials.

Selected Publications

Zulfiqar S., Abdullah Aziz Bin Saad, Huqqani I.A., Ahmad Z., F Yusof, Zuraihana Binti Bachok, 2024, Hyper-Elastic Characterization of Polydimethylsiloxane by Optimization Algorithms and Finite Element Methods, in (ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING), 49, DOI:10.1007/s13369-024-08814-z)




Dr. Feizal Yusof

My research interests are centered within computational and experimental solid mechanics and specifically into fracture mechanics.

Selected Publications

F.Yusof (2019) "Three-dimensional assessments of crack tip constraint", Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics vol.101, pp. 1-16.

Yusof, F., Withers, P.J.W., Lopez-Crespo, P., (2013) "Effect of overload on crack closure in thick and thin specimens via digital image correlation" International Journal of Fatigue, 56, pp. 17-24.

Yusof, F., Withers, P.J.W., (2009) "Real-time acquisition of fatigue crack images for monitoring crack-tip stress intensity variations within fatigue cycles" Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design.

Yusof, F., Hancock, J.W., (2005) "In-plane and Out-of-plane constraint effects in three-dimensional elastic perfectly-plastic crack tip field" International Conference on Fracture (ICF 11), Turin, Italy


Dr. Norwahida Yusoff

I am interested in various computational and experimental studies with special emphasis in Bioengineering materials.

Selected Publications

N. Yusoff and F.Yusof (2019) "Characterization of elastic-plastic corner deformation and stress fields", International Journal of Structural Integrity DOI:10.1108/IJSI-03-2019-0023"


Dr. Siti Sarah Kamaludin

Is interested in advanced computational techniques, emphasizing the finite element method (FEM) and continuum damage mechanics to investigate material failure and damage evolution, particularly in advanced materials such as composites and 3D-printed structures.

Selected Publications

Sarah, K. & Thamburaja (2023), P. Efficient Neighbor Search Algorithm for Nonlocal-based Simulations: Application to Failure Mechanics. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 23, 540–547 (2023).

Thamburaja, P., Sarah, K., Srinivasa, A., & Reddy, J. N. (2019). Fracture of viscoelastic materials: FEM implementation of a non-local & rate form-based finite-deformation constitutive theory. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 354, 871–903.




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