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Feizal Yusof

Research Interests

Ir. Dr. Feizal Yusof P.Eng(Mal), C.Eng MIMechE (UK) (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

  • Applications of finite element analysis:
    • Constraint based Fracture Mechanics
    • Residual Stress
    • Plasticty induced crack closure
    • Effect of creep on crack tip at high temperature
    • Effect of high strain rate on mechanics of materials
    • Failure analysis of engineering components and structures
    • Stress analysis in all its forms - ANSYS and ABAQUS
  • Experimental mechanics
    • Fracture toughness measurement based on codes
    • Residual stress measurement
    • Digital Image Correlation measurement
    • Split hopkinson pressure bar
    • Failure analysis of wires with multiple cores
  • Use of codes and standards in fracture mechanics assessment
  • Machine Design and Mechanical System Design


Feizal Yusof developed an interest in the stress, damage and failure mechanisms of various materials from an early stint as a research and development engineer. In order to gain deeper knowledge in the subject, he completed a PhD research on the 3D constraint effects in elastic-plastic fracture mechanics at the University of Glasgow in 2006. He then worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at he School of Materials at the University of Manchester from 2006 to 2010 where he conducted research related to the application of deformation mapping to fracture mechanics.

His research current interests are in understanding/modelling of materials under the influence of defects and cracks and their performance in service. This work is based on the innovative use of established characterisation techniques and development of new techniques such as high resolution digital image correlation. This experimental work is underpinned by multiphysics computational modelling. The goal is to understand the limits of current continuum mechanics approaches and to develop new ways of overcoming them. Apart from fundamental research, he is also interested in the mechanical design and modelling of design systems.

Both his fundamental research and design work are recognised by industry and most of his work are funded by both government and industries. Current industrial collaborators include Motorola, Intel and a number of local engineering SMEs.


  1. F. Yusof et al. "The effect of crack tip constraint on three-dimensional local J in mixed modes crack tip fields" in preparation to International Journal of Fracture.

  2. Zulfiqar S., Saad, A. A., Huqqani I. A., Ahmad, Z.,  F. Yusof, Bachok, Z., (2024) " Hyper-Elastic Characterization of Polydimethylsiloxane by Optimization Algorithm and Finite Element Methods" Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering" 49, DOI:10.1007/s13369-024-08814-z),

  3. Sun Zhu Feng, F. Yusof, N. Yusoff (2023) "“Influence of local strong earthquake on the tectonic stress of regional plate ", AIP Conf Proc

  4. Alibe, F. Yusof, N. Yusoff, Abdullah (2023) "A Concise Review of Small-Scale Specimen Fracture Toughness Testing ", AIP Conf Proc

  5. Sana, Aziz, Ahmad, Yusof, Bachok (2023) "Numerical analysis and validation of characterization of polydimethylsiloxane using hyoer-elastic constitutive models ", Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia Press

  6. Sana, Aziz, Ahmad, Yusof, Bachok (2023) "Structural analysis of silver-based conductiveink under cyclic loading ", Proc. Green Materials and Electronic Packaging Interconnect Tech Symp

  7. F. Yusof (2023) "Three-dimensional constraint-based failure assesment diagrams ", Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

  8. N. Yusoff, F. Yusof (2023) "J-DeltaSigma quantification of out-of-plane constraint loss in Mode-I fracture ", Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention

  9. S. I. B. Syed Abdullah, L. Iannucci, E. S. Greenhalgh, F. Yusof (2022) "Impact on vectran/Epoxy composites: Experimental and numerical analysis", The Aeronautical Journal pg. 1-27.

  10. A. M . Alibe, F. Yusof., N. Yusoff., S. I. S. Abdullah (2022) "A concise review of small-scale specimen fracture toughnes testing", Int Conf Vibration Sound Systems Design ICVSSD Vol.16(1), Penang.

  11. S. Zulfiqar, A.A. Saad, Z. Ahmad, F. Yusof and K. Fakpan (2022) "Analysis and characterization of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate by using uniaxial tensile test and Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic model", Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol.16(1).

  12. S. Zulfiqar, A A. Saad, Z. Ahmad, F. Yusof, Z. Bachok (2021) "Structural Analysis and Material Characterization of Silver Conductive Ink for Stretchable Electronics", International Journal of Integrated Engineering No.7, Vol.13, pp. 128-135.

  13. K.H.Leong and F.Yusof (2021)"Three-dimensional crack tip constraint of shallow cracks in tension and bending", International Journal of Fracture

  14. K.H.Leong, F.Yusof and R.H.A.Latiff (2021) "Automatic crack tip meshing approach for constraint-based fracture mechanics application", Journal of Failure Analysis and Preventionvol. 10, pp 644-659

  15. N.Yusoff and F.Yusof (2021) "Polynomial estimation of J-integral for through-thickness crack in elastic perfectly-plastic conditions ", Applications of Modelling and Simulation vol. 5, pp 16-21

  16. M.Heidari, P.Rahmanivahid, F.Yusof and J.Kashani (2020) "Design and fabrication of a drill guide template for total elbow athroplasty", Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en Ingenieria vol. 37(1), 5

  17. N.Yusoff and F.Yusof (2019) "Characterization of elastic-plastic corner deformation and stress fields", International Journal of Structural Integrity vol. 10(5), pp. 660-677

  18. F.Yusof and K.H. Leong (2019) "Elastic-plastic J-Tz dominance in bending and tension", International Journal of Structural Integrity vol. 10(5), pp. 644-659

  19. Milad, H. Razaviyan, Z., Yusof, F., Mohammadian, E., Alias, A., Akhbari, M., Akhbari, A., Movahedi, F., (2019) "Numerical analysis of side hull configuration in trimaran", Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en Ingenieria vol. 35(2), 32

  20. F.Yusof (2019) "Three-dimensional assessments of crack tip constraint", Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics vol.101, pp. 1-16.

  21. F.Yusof and K.H. Leong (2018) "Quantification of constraint loss in three-dimensional non-hardening crack-tip fields", Jurnal Kejuruteraan, pp. 1-7

  22. N.Yusoff and F.Yusof (2018) "Characterization of elastic-plastic corner deformation and stress fields" Symposium on Damage Mechanisms in Materials and Structures (SDMMS) 2018, 5 Dec, Bangi.

  23. F.Yusof (2018) "Limits of J-Tz Characterization of three-dimensional elastic-plastic crack tip fields" Symposium on Damage Mechanisms in Materials and Structures (SDMMS) 2018, 4 Dec, Bangi.

  24. F.Yusof (2017) "Quantification of constraint loss in three-dimensional crack tip fields" Symposium on Damage Mechanisms in Materials and Structures (SDMMS) 2017, 24 Oct, Bangi.

  25. R.H.A. Latif and F.Yusof (2017) "Asymptotic crack tip fields of surface cracked panels under non-hardening bending loads", AIP Conf. Proc., 1865, pp. 030002-1-030002-6

  26. K.H. Leong and F.Yusof (2017) "Validity of J-Q-Tz parameter for three dimensional asymptotic crack-tip fields in non-hardening materials", AIP Conf. Proc., 1865, pp. 030004-1-030004-6,

  27. N. Yusoff and F.Yusof (2017) "Assessment of the out-of-plane parameter Tz for a non-hardening three-dimensional thin plate boundary layer formulations" AIP Conf. Proc. 1865, pp. 030008-1-030008-6,

  28. R.H.A. Latiff, F.Yusof (2016) "An improved method to model semi-elliptical surface cracks using element mismatch in ABAQUS" ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol 11, no. 1, pp. 222-228.

  29. K.H. Leong, F.Yusof (2016) "An improved algorithm of finite element mesh generation for fracture mechanics analysis" ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol 11, no. 1, pp. 210-215.

  30. R.H.A. Latiff, F.Yusof (2016) "Asymptotic crack tip fields of surface cracked panels under non-hardening bending loads" International Conference on Global Network for Innovative Technology (IGNITE) 2016, 27-29 Jan, Penang.

  31. K.H. Leong, F.Yusof (2016) "Validity of J-Q-Tz parameter for three dimensional asymptotic crack-tip fields in non-hardening materials", International Conference on Global Network for Innovative Technology (IGNITE) 2016, 27-29 Jan, Penang.

  32. N. Yusoff, F.Yusof (2016) "Assessment of the out-of-plane parameter Tz for a non-hardening three-dimensional thin plate boundary layer formulations" International Conference on Global Network for Innovative Technology (IGNITE) 2016, 27-29 Jan, Penang.

  33. R.H.A. Latiff, KH Leong, F.Yusof, CC Ooi, M.R.A. Rahman (2015) "Intermittent audio failure analysis of a remote speaker-microphone for a two-way radio" Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 75-85, JFAP 2016 Editor Award

  34. R.H.A. Latiff, F.Yusof (2015) "An improved method to model semi-elliptical surface cracks using element mismatch in ABAQUS" International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Process Engineering (ICMMPE) 2015, 24-25 Nov, Kuala Lumpur.

  35. K.H. Leong, F.Yusof (2015) "An improved algorithm of finite element mesh generation for fracture mechanics analysis" International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Process Engineering (ICMMPE) 2015, 24-25 Nov, Kuala Lumpur

  36. R.H.A. Latiff, KH Leong, F.Yusof, CC Ooi (2014) "Intermittent failure analysis of electronic wire cable: Experimental analysis" International Conference on Global Network for Innovative Technology (IGNITE) 2014, 15-16 Dec, Penang. IGNITE 2014 Best Paper Award

  37. K.H. Leong, RHA. Latiff, F.Yusof, CC Ooi (2014) "Intermittent failure analysis of electronic wire cable: Finite element analysis" International Conference on Global Network for Innovative Technology (IGNITE) 2014, 15-16 Dec Penang.

  38. Yusof, F., Withers, P.J.W., Lopez-Crespo, P., (2013) "Effect of overload on crack closure in thick and thin specimens via digital image correlation" International Journal of Fatigue, 56, pp. 17-24.

  39. P. Lopez-Crespo, Withers, P.J.W, F. Yusof, Dai,H, A. Steuwer, J.F. Kelleher, T. Buslaps (2012) “Overload effects on local fatigue crack-tip strain fields under plane stress conditions: surface and bulk analysis” International Journal of Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 36, 1, pp. 75-84.

  40. Withers, P.J.W, Dai,H., P. Lopez-Crespo, A. Steuwer, F. Yusof, J.F. Kelleher, T. Buslaps (2011) “Overload effects on local fatigue crack-tip strain fields in plane stress samples” Forni di Sopra (UD), Italy, March 7-9, ISBN 978-88-95940-32-8.

  41. J.F. Kelleher, P. Lopez-Crespo, F. Yusof, P.J. Withers, (2010) “The use of diffraction to study fatigue crack tip mechanics” in Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Nuetrons and Synchrotron Radiation Materials Science Forum; ed. Y.Akiniwa, K. Akita, H.Suzuki, vol. 652, pp. 216-221.

  42. Yusof, F., Withers, P.J.W., (2009) “Real-time acquisition of fatigue crack images for monitoring crack-tip stress intensity variations within fatigue cycles” Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design.

  43. Kelleher, J., Lopez-Crespo, P., Yusof, F., Withers, P.J.W., (2009) “Diffraction studies of fatigue crack tip mechanics” 5th Intl. Conf on Mech. Stress Eval. by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation (MECASENS). Mito, Japan.

  44. Yusof, F., Withers, P.J.W., (2007) “Crack monitoring and stress intensity factor determination using digital image correlation.” The British Society for Strain Measurement (BSSM) one-day seminar and mini-exhibition (Measuring with vision: Developments and innovations in optical metrology for engineering), 3rd May, Bristol.

  45. Yusof, F. (2006) “Three-Dimensional Constraint Based Fracture Mechanics" University of Glasgow (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering).

  46. Yusof, F., Hancock, J.W., (2005) “In-plane and Out-of-plane constraint effects in three-dimensional elastic perfectly-plastic crack tip field” International Conference on Fracture (ICF 11), Turin, Italy

  47. Yusof, F., (2002) "Obeservation and analysis of thin microcracked glass" University of Strathclyde (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering).

  48. Mustapha, M.K., Yusof, F., Ng, C.P., Tan, K.K., (1999) “Liquid Crystal Display: Case Study on Bleeding and Voids” Motorola Malaysia Annual Symposium, Penang, Malaysia.

  49. Yusof, F., Zakaria, R. S., (1999) “High Temperature Resistance Electromechanical Components” Motorola Malaysia Annual Symposium, Penang, Malaysia.

  50. Yusof, F., (1999) “Motorola Penang Liquid Crystal Display Experience” Asia Pacific Liquid Crystal Display Symposium, Penang, Malaysia.

  51. Khong, C.M., Yusof, F., (1998) “6 sigma Mechanical Tolerance Analysis: Case Study of GP 338 Radios” Motorola Malaysia Annual Symposium, Penang, Malaysia.

  52. Yusof, F., Chow, K.M., (1997) “Design and implementation of Tact Switch in GP 338 Radios” Motorola Malaysia Annual Symposium, Penang, Malaysia.


Networking and Linkages

Funding Agencies:

  • Motorola Solutions (M) Sdn Bhd
  • Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) UK
  • Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia

Collaboration Links:

  • Materials Performance Centre, The University of Manchester, UK
  • School of Materials, The University of Manchester, UK
  • Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK
  • Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, UK
  • Motorola Technology (M) Sdn Bhd
  • Malaysian Nuclear Agency
  • Ministry of Science, Technology and Invovation (MOSTI) Malaysia